
by Team Titans


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Public transportation using bus services has always been the major aspect of unimodaltransportation in Sri Lanka as well as in most of the other Asian countries. However severalimplications associated with the bus services have made the whole system to be time wastingand inefficient. Having no proper synchronization between buses in the same route and lack ofbus monitoring systems are few of those factors. People sometimes have to waste hours at busstations waiting for a bus to come and sometimes even after a bus arrives, there are no freeseats available which forces them to wait for the next bus in the route.Find my bus comes with handful set of features which address the above mentioned problemswith an effective and efficient manner which will be followed by a comprehensive analysisregarding the addressable problems.Yung comes with a comprehensive traffic analysis and prediction algorithm which will bereal time updates according to the data received by the various buses on different roads. Itprovides the feasibility of checking the incoming buses in a particular route and check for theavailable seats in them while getting an almost accurate prediction on the time that the bus willbe reaching to the user’s location.